The Future of Responsible Business

Whether you are a Corporation or a Supplier, we help you understand biodiversity complexities and foster compliant and sustainable business practices in pursuit of a nature-positive future.

As biodiversity continues to dwindle globally, regulators such as the European Union are obliging large companies to actively identify and manage biodiversity across their supply chains. 

NatureHelm was designed as a direct response to the changing state of business biodiversity regulation, the billions of under-utilised biodiversity data points, and the urgent need to turn around the current degradation of functional ecosystems on which we all depend.

NatureHelm is here to help

These new laws, which cover all corporate sectors, aim to transform global business practices for a more sustainable and biodiverse future. 

As a proud team of ecological and business innovators, we aspire to assist that cause and have ensured that NatureHhlem provides everything you need to remain compliant and most effectively manage your biodiversity assets for long-term sustainability.

Meaningful biodiversity insights at your fingertips

Empowering suppliers and corporations to:

  • Assess and prioritise site-specific biodiversity assets

  • Measure and manage site biodiversity

  • Track and disclose changes in biodiversity over time

We break down biodiversity barriers for companies and help them efficiently navigate the LEAP (Locate, Evaluate, Assess, Prepare) process outlined by the Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).

Assess & Prioritise

  • Upload existing supply chain site mapping and business activities

  • Integrate diverse sources of site-specific data for all business and supply chain operations

  • Provide curated ecological insights relevant to meet business needs

Measure & Act

  • Establish robust scientific baseline data to guide biodiversity decisions

  • Identify monitoring methods and management actions to reduce business risks and optimise opportunities

  • Connect with on-ground implementation partners

Track & Disclose

  • Automated monitoring and reporting of changes in biodiversity

  • Transparent, auditable and easily accessible reports to engage with stakeholders

  • Synchronise biodiversity & business data for financial reporting & disclosures

How we help Suppliers

The people on the ground

Farmers & Regenerative Agriculturalists 

As the origin point for most global supply chains, primary suppliers aren’t held directly accountable for their biodiversity measures by new legislation. However, they still depend on biodiversity data to improve the resilience of their land and enjoy the marketing opportunities associated with responsible and sustainable business practices.

Our online portal directly offers these benefits by gathering biodiversity data, formulating practical plans for managing biodiversity and offering tools for tracking changes over time.

How we help Corporates

Organisations relying on a supply chain

Apparel, Energy, Pharma, Supa, Food

The NatureHelm portal assists corporations by ensuring adherence to evolving regulations. As corporates are required to monitor their supply chain, our software aggregates crucial location-specific data and ecological insights.

This allows effective monitoring, adaptive management, and comprehensive reporting on biodiversity, empowering corporates to track and enhance their ecological impact and align themselves with sustainability objectives and regulations. 

Saves time and effort

  • Allows you to easily measure, monitor and reduce your ecological impact

  • Offers new insights that lead to new methods and new positive outcomes

Is a one-stop shop

  • Includes all your biodiversity needs in one place

  • Operates as a single portal platform for all of your biodiversity needs


Let’s discuss your business biodiversity needs and
how to begin your nature-positive journey.
Book a virtual demo to experience NatureHelm for yourself.
